kiss me 140 [left] pink gossip 110 [right]
I got these little lovelies from superdrug a few weeks back, and have been wearing kiss me one of the colours I got ever since, before these I never was a big fan of lipstick I was a gloss girl but I loved the colours of these so much I had to try them, the colours I got was
Kiss me 140 : a bright light red colour. And
Pink gossip 110: a bright bubble gum pink.
The pigmentation of these is fantastic and stay on a long time to .The smell of these lippies is lovely, kind of a fruity sweet smell very nice .i do find that they make my lips a little dry but no more than any other lipstick i have had ,to sort this out I just pop a bit of my beloved Vaseline rosy lips over the top and that does the trick .
as for the colours kiss me is defiantly my favourite out of the two its very bright but also very wearable and flattering especially then I pop a bit of Vaseline rosy lips over the top of it, the colour also seems to brighten my skin and make my eyes stand out too {Bonus} all in all the best lipstick I have ever had although I have never tried a mac lipstick mac foundation yes, mac blush yes, but as for their lipstick I remain a mac lippy virgin , so I can’t say if it comperes to mac but out of all lipsticks I’ve tried it is by far my new favourite.
pic of me wearing kiss me .
As for pink gossip same consistency as kiss me but seems to have a tiny bit more shimmer in it then kiss me, not really a problem for me, I would be carful if you are also wearing Revlon photo ready foundation as this also has a shimmer to it and you could end up looking a bit well glittery haha the colour its self looks lovely a bright bubble gum pink , I love the colour but sadly the colour hates me, it does nothing for me at all, were kiss me brightens my skin this does the complete opposite washing me out completely I think this is just a personal thing and on someone with slightly darker skin I think it would look lovey. All in all both are really good products and I would defiantly recommend.
me wearing pink gossip.
As for me I have my eye on a few other colours in the collection like[ be bold 120] and [tell no one 030] hope to be adding them to my new found lippy collection yay
I'm a big fan off 'kiss me' gorgeous colour. A bit off topic, but you're skin looks amazing! What foundation do you use? x